3.7 Qtslideshows


In the new Labelpro 2.0 you can add infinite slideshows in any page. To do so, you must create a QtSlideshow.


  1. Login to WordPress
  2. Click QtSlideshows
  3. Click Add New
  4. Set a name
  5. Add sliders to the QtSlideshow

You can create a slideshow using brand new sliders OR you can create automatically a slideshow that brings the latest posts with featured image.


1. Creating a slideshow with latest posts:

  1. Check “Include latest posts”
  2. Set a number of slides (at least 2)
  3. Hit “publish”

2. Adding a PICTURE slider to the QtSlideshow:

  1.  Insert a link for the image (not the image url, but the link where the image will point to
  2. Add a slider title, will be a text over the image
  3. Click “Choose Image” 
  4. Upload a picture or select one from the library
  5. Hit the green “+” button to add more sliders

3. Adding a VIDEO slider to the QtSlideshow

  1. Paste a video url from Youtube or Vimeo (Must be a canonical youtube url, like http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrrvTnJ17W0)
  2. Insert a title
  3. Hit the green “+” button to add more sliders
  4. Hit “Publish” or “Update”

How to add a QtSlideshow to a page

  1. Create a QtSlideshow as mentioned above
  2. Publish it
  3. Copy the ID by grabbing it from the slideshow url:qtslideshow-id
  4. Create a new page or post, or edit an existing one
  5. Click the QtSlideshow button
  6. Insert the IDqtslideshow-insert-in-post
  7. Click the INSERT button
  8. Save the post


How to add a QtSlideshow to the home page

  1. Create a QtSlideshow as mentioned above
  2. Publish it
  3. Copy the ID by grabbing it from the slideshow url:
  4. Go to Appearance -> QantumThemes Admin PanelQtslideshows-home
  5. Go into the “Slider” tab
  6. Select QT Slideshow
  7. Insert the ID of the desired slideshow
  8. Click “Save changes”Qtslideshows-home-2